Now accepting Medicare
The price of an MRI in the Eau Claire, Wausau, and Madison areas can be up to $6,400!
The price of an MRI at Smart Scan is $650 without contrast (most exams) and $850 with and without contrast. This includes both the MRI scan and the radiologist's report.
Smart Scan is leading the way in high-quality, affordable care. We believe every patient deserves the same great care at the same great price. That's why we offer patients and insurance companies the same transparent flat rate. Fair pricing without compromising quality.
Compare the price of an MRI of the Lumbar Spine without contrast at Smart Scan to Eau Claire area alternatives:
Compare the price of an MRI of the Brain with and without contrast at Smart Scan to Wausau area alternatives:
*Cost is subject to third parties between Smart Scan and the patient. In some cases, the cost may be slightly more due to third-party intermediaries, but with many plans, you may be eligible for enhanced benefits and actually pay less!
To learn more about our pricing, contact us today through our online form, or give us a call at 855-694-3300. We look forward to hearing from you!